Hi, My name is Dave.

One Saturday morning in 2003, a friend called me and asked me I wanted to attend a HAM radio class with him.  I cleared my schedule and went.   I came home that day with my technician license.  However, a radio was too expensive for me at the time.  Ten years later I renewed my license, still without a radio.

For Christmas, 2018 my much better half gave me a dual band Baofeng for a present.  I finally had a radio!  As I learned about the culture, I found out that a lot of things had changed over the years.  Two resources I found are HamStudy and Dave Casler's videos.   These really helped me study for my exams.  A few weeks later I had my General license, and a month later, my Amateur Extra.  My oldest son Andy got his Technician License the same day!   To celebrate I filed and obtained my vanity call sign of KR0OT.  I chose this because I've run linux for many years.

I've put up this website for the benefit of my son Andy and I to find resources quickly. Hopefully you will find it useful as well. It is a work-in-progress so please be patient with me.

73 my friend!

Dave's Recommended Links
   Utah VHF Society
   Sinbad Repeater System
   Utah Band Plan
   KN0JI's Transceiver programming page
   My Beliefs
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